Our Business Style

We purchase high quality products directly from our partner manufacturers.
We can control quality and lead time because we are in direct contact with the manufacturer.
In addition, because we are experts at metal research and trading, we are able to obtain the best competitive price.
We have been in business for more than7 years.


1. Utilizing our vaste network and experience in countries and regions such as Germany, Korea, Taiwan,
Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Shanghai, we carefully select suppliers with high
quality levels and high cost consciousness.

2. Because they are familiar with overseas materials, our staff can easily propose suitable products for our
customer’s needs, and can negotiate and make adjustments directly in both English and Chinese.
We will satisfy our customer’s requests by providing interviews and prompt updates, reporting on each step of the trade transaction.

3. Clarifying the distribution (manufacturer → EBC → customer, or manufacturer → customer)
makes it possible to present a safe price. (In case of manufacturer → customer, procedure etc is EBC)

4. We will strive to ensure a stable supply of product to customers, and will optimize inventory by proper quantity control.